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Sterilization (Tubal Ligation)


Birth control is what is used to temporarily or permanently limit the reproductive capacity of an individual or their sexual partner in order to prevent pregnancy.


It is important to emphasize that you chose your birth control method only for its contraceptive protection, not for protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), which only condoms are proven to help reduce the risk of STIs. This is why condom usage is still highly recommended.

With Hormones

Without Hormones

There are lots of different birth control options out there.

We’re here to help you figure it all out.

Pick what’s important to you to find your best birth control method.

Sterilization (Tubal Ligation)


  • Very effective when you no longer want to have children

  • Does not interfere with sexual relationships

  • Has no adverse effects to your health

  • Can be done immediately after giving birth


  • Requires surgery that may carry risks

  • Painful at first

  • Not easily reversible

  • Does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs)


Is up to 99% effective.

Tubal ligation (sometimes called "sterilization", "female sterilization" or "tubal sterilization") is a safe and effective surgical procedure that protects against pregnancies permanently.

Birth Control Patch

Birth Control Patch

A patch that is placed on the skin either on the belly, arms, buttocks or back. It releases hormones that prevent pregnancy through the same mechanism of contraceptive pills. A patch is used for three weeks and on the fourth week you take a break. In addition, it is recommended that the location of the patch be rotated between these different placements.


  • Does not interfere with sex

  • Does not involve as much monitoring as daily birth control pills


  • Does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

  • If you forget to change it one week, there may be a chance of becoming pregnant

  • May cause a reaction on the skin where it is placed

  • Menstrual or abdominal pain

  • A doctor has be consulted before use


If used correctly, contraceptive patch has an effectiveness of 95 to 99%.

Oral Contraceptives (Pills)

Oral Contraceptives (Pills)

Pills made from synthetic hormones (estrogen and progesterone) to modify the hormonal composition of the organism preventing ovulation from occurring, as well as the composition of the cervical mucus, making it difficult to move the sperm and implant a possible fertilized egg. Each package of pills contains 21 contraceptive pills and 28 total, these last seven pills contain only iron so that you continue to take the pills regularly.


  • Does not interfere with sexual intercourse

  • Offers continuous and effective protection

  • Can regulate the menstrual cycle and eliminate colic

  • Can suspend menstruation indefinitely.

  • When no longer used fertility returns, although this can take up to two months


  • Is not suitable for women who have sexual intercourse infrequently. Daily motivation and discipline is needed to take the pill in order to avoid forgetting, which can change its effectiveness

  • Does not offer protection against STIs or HIV/AIDS

  • Requires a medical consultation

  • Can have negative side effects such as nausea, headaches, bleeding in the middle of the cycle, weight gain or pain in the breasts

  • Long-term effects are unknown


If you take it perfectly, it is 99% effective. In real life, its effectiveness is only 91%,  because being perfect is very complicated. 



Safe, simple and fast surgical contraception method for men where a small incision is made in the scrotum and the ducts that carry the sperm are cut. This makes semen unable to contain sperm. For best results after the procedure, you should either have 20 ejaculations or wait three months to ensure that there are no longer any sperm in the semen.


  • Very effective method for when you do not want to have children anymore

  • No maintenance required and does not interfere with sex

  • Only have to use condoms to prevent STIs


  • Does not protect from sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

  • Mild discomfort for 2 or 3 days after the procedure

  • Only trained personnel can perform the operation

  • It is not immediately effective


It is 99% effective at preventing pregnancies.


Planned Parenthood® . (2018). Métodos Anticonceptivos. Recuperado de

Sosa Josué; Sansores Deily; Suárez Lizandra y Rodríguez Lucía. (2018). Métodos Anticonceptivos. Recuperado de libro de campaña de promoción de la salud sexual y reproductiva (P. 26-37). 

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